
Mrs. India Worldwide

Beauty Contest 2019

organized by Mideast Travel

Northern Greece and especially Halkidiki was in spotlight on October 20019, as the Indian Beauty Pageant, “Haute Monde Mrs. India Worldwide 2019”, took place on the 18th of October, 2019 in the beautiful Greek destination.

Mideast Travel Worldwide, their Official Travel Partner, succeeded to bring to Greece for 2nd consecutive year the organization of Mrs. India Worldwide and to promote the tourism of Halkidiki, Thessaloniki and the Central Macedonia region to  India, the biggest tourism market in the world after China.

175 Indian ladies from all over the world will participate in this year’s Indian Beauty Pageant, escorted by a group of over 600 people. The accommodation of the Indian contestants is generously sponsored by Porto Carras, the award-winning resort in Halkidiki.

Video provied by Haute Monde India

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